First Southern exists to help people follow Jesus. Starting your relationship with Jesus is so incredibly important to us. Everything starts with “salvation,” which is a big word for believing that Jesus is who He says He is and accepting Him as the Lord of your life.


We believe salvation from our sins is God’s free gift to those who accept it. [Romans 6:23; Eph. 2:8,9; John 14:6, 1:12; Titus 3:5; Gal. 3:26; Romans 5:1]

We believe in eternal security of Christians. [John 10:29; 2 Tim. 1:12; Heb. 7:25, 10:10,14; 1 Peter 1:3–5]

We believe in eternal life. [John 3:16, 2:25, 5:11–13; Romans 6:23; Rev 20:15; Matt. 1:8]



We believe baptism is much more than simply getting dunked under water. Baptism does not equal salvation. You are not saved just because you were submerged in water or sprinkled as a baby. Baptism is a symbol to the Church and to the world that you have made the decision to allow Jesus to be your Savior. Baptism shows that you have been buried with Jesus in His death, and raised to new life in Him. Baptism shows everyone that, because of your decision to follow Jesus, you are a new creation [1 Cor. 5:17]. What a thing to celebrate!


The Life of a Jesus Follower

“We exist to help people follow Jesus.”

The life of a Jesus follower is not me living for Jesus, but Jesus living His life in and through me! As we study about Jesus in the Bible we learn that His life was all about relationships.

First, His relationship with God.

Second, His relationship with His disciples.

Third, His relationship with people who didn’t know God at all.

Following Jesus is all about relationships! This requires a relationship with God, with other Jesus followers, and to the lost world. We do that by modeling what it means to…

Abide – A Jesus follower abides in Jesus personally and daily.

Connect – A Jesus follower connects in community in large and small group.

Share – A Jesus follower shares in the mission locally and globally.

The life of a Jesus follower is all about relationships. So how do you deepen these three relationships with God, with others, and with the lost?

5% Life

We are convinced that if you embrace “The 5% Life” as a starting point the other 95% of your life will be changed forever as you abide in Jesus, connect in community, and share in the mission he lays out for us called, “The Great Commission.” Jesus followers use their jobs, skills and passions to engage where they live, work, and play for the Gospel, encouraging others to become Jesus followers.

Here’s the breakdown:

1% of your DAY (approximately 15 minutes) in God Time daily.

1% of your WEEK, approximately an hour and a half in Gather Time weekly.

1% of your MONTH, approximately 7 hours in Group Time consistently.

2% of your YEAR, approximately 7 days in Go Time annually.

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