The 5% Life

The Life of a Jesus Follower can be broken down into 3 relationships: Abiding in the Father, Connecting with other Disciples, and Sharing with the World. We accomplish these things through TIME. Here’s the breakdown:

God Time: 1% of your day (~15 minutes) spent in fellowship with the Father.

Here are some resources to start your God Time: Charles Spurgeon Morning and Evening | Southern Baptist Devotions | My Utmost for His Highest

Gather Time: 1% of your week (~1.5 hours) spent in a weekly gathering of worship with my church.

Check out our services!

Group Time: 1% of your month (~7 hours) spent consistently in community with a small group from my church.

Check out all of our small group options you can be apart of!

Go Time: 2% of your year (~7 days) spent annually going on mission cross-culturally.

There are plenty of ways you can ‘go’ share the Gospel in your neighborhoods and communities (here are a bunch of our ministry partners). If you’d like to be involved in sending our mission team to Nicaragua this summer, check out this page!

The 5% Life Journal is a great tool for you to use makes the 5% Life easy to track! Purchase yours for $3 in the church library!

The 5% Life Journal is a great tool for you to use makes the 5% Life easy to track! Purchase yours for $3 in the church library!