F.A.T. & in S.H.A.P.E.

This sermon series leads us to ask many questions of ourselves. ‘What are my spiritual gifts?’ ‘What am I passionate about?’ ‘What are my abilities/experiences that put me in a position to love God and love people?’

Answering these questions help us understand how God wants to use us as unique individuals to further His Kingdom.



F.A.T. = Faithful, Available, Teachable. These are the markers of people who are ready and willing to be used by God to fulfill the purpose He gives to each of us. Faithful, available, and teachable people are involved in their local church. There are so many areas you can serve here at FSBC. Click the link below to find a list of our ministries and a survey you can fill out to tell us what ministries you’d like to try out! Like one? Try it out! Want more information? The ministry leader’s contact information is attached!

Need to go back and watch the sermons on being Faithful, Available, and Teachable? You can do that at the videos below!

Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to those who are in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:1-13). God gives us these “grace gifts” to further His Kingdom through His people (you and I). These gifts are not to be left unopened and unused. If you are in Christ, you have a gift from the Spirit!

Take the inventory test below if you’d like to explore what your Spiritual Gifts may be. Need to go back and watch the sermon again? Click the video below!


Heart = Your interests, desires and passions. Your passions and interests (Proverbs 27:19) continue to motivate you to do the work God calls you to do. God gives each of us a heart for something. What one person is passionate about, another may not be. God uses your passions and desires to accomplish the goals of Kingdom building.

Take the Heart Assessment below!


Your abilities and talents are not just natural, they are God-given. What you’re good at was designed by God to be used for His glory and purpose. Maybe you have a natural ability to sing or play an instrument, or speak in public, or make people laugh, or cook! Whatever your abilities, God wants to use them to bring Himself glory and increase His Kingdom.

Take inventory of your abilities by using the assessment below!


Your personality was given to you by the Lord. He designed you on purpose with the personality traits that make you, you. We took a look at how all of us should love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, but how our specific personalities love God. Talkers love God with their hearts; feelers love God with their souls; thinkers love God with their minds; doers love God with their strength. Watch for the purpose, the weaknesses, and the warnings of each personality in this sermon!

Take the Personal Style Assessment below!


Not only did God make you with a purpose, He uses every one of your experiences for His purpose. We see in Romans 8:28 that God works ALL things for good for those who love Him. That means He can use your bad and painful and joyful and stressful experiences to teach you, mold you, and allow you to help others who are going through the same things. Watch this sermon as Pastor Doyle breaks down how we can reflect on and use our experiences for our good and the good of those around us.

Take inventory of your experiences and learn how God can use them for His purposes by clicking the button below!